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IFOOD 1200g/20serv, Genius Nutrition IFOOD 1200g/20serv, Genius Nutrition

Tastes like a drink, but it feels like mum's homemade.   “You live your life a quarter-mile at a time. Nothing else matters; not the mortgage, not the store, not...
Tastes like a drink, but it feels like mum's homemade.   “You live your life a quarter-mile at a time. Nothing else matters; not the mortgage, not the store, not...







Availability: 2 Σε απόθεμα

Tastes like a drink, but it feels like mum's homemade.


“You live your life a quarter-mile at a time. Nothing else matters; not the mortgage, not the store, not your friends and their bs, not even food!

For those 10 seconds or less, you're free."


And you can remain free, especially if you sometimes live your life like the Fast & Furious crew.

Genius Nutrition® has developed an easy meal replacement shake that contains all recommended essential nutrients (NRV) required by the human body.

We use no chemical replacements, only high-quality food.

You don't need more than 10 sec to set it up, and then you're free.



According to the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA), a balanced diet provides health and wellbeing through a needs-based intake of different value nutrients. 

We have developed a drinkable meal whose composition of ingredients is based on these reference values.

iFood meal replacement will provide you with the vitamins, minerals and proteins. You can prepare it quickly and easily, and it will remain the friend of your waistline.

As you are already used to, our version is just right for you. We give your body over 34gr of protein on every 100gr, which all come from high-quality and easily absorbable sources. 

Natural whey's concentrate (cow's milk), oats, eggs, and rice are available here for your protein supply.

If you've been eating terrible your whole life and you have very little hope that you will enjoy replacing your beloved food with an iFood, think again.

iFood meal replacement will keep you full for longer thanks to healthy fat, which will slow down the absorption.

Full of flavor and protein, iFood meal replacement® protein shake is the perfect way to ingest protein without unwanted calories. The low sugar and carbohydrates level makes it an ideal choice for people who are on a diet or simply want a healthier snack.

This real food meal replacement shake will keep the hunger at bay for several hours, but it will make you thirsty, so don't forget to drink water.

The taste? 

A triple chocolate flavor so that you can enjoy yourself during physically challenging activities. Whether you're hiking, biking, hanging from a rock face, or lifting weights, iFood is at the reach of your hand.

By having only 0,9 grams of sugar, you would think that delicious sweet flavor would be having more grams of sugar?! But nope, 0,9 gram, and it's so delicious.

You can even put iFood into a blender and mix it with a handful of ice. You will start to adore your blender because it will make you a power chocolate iced drink.

If you don't absolutely love the smell, taste, and texture of our replacement meal shake along with the fact that it has low glycemic carbohydrates and tons of nutrients, then perhaps you are bitter over your diet and not this shake?!

But know this also. 

With vitamin C, Zinc, Iron, Compex B, to name a few, you should experience a high level in your energy too. 

This is exclusively for couples who don't want to leave the room but still need more energy.  

Or it could be an excellent 'night kit' if you are an overnight worker.

In addition to meal replacements, you can use other supplements too - most often fat burners and products for better recovery - amino acids, vitamins, minerals, and healthy fats such as omega-3 fish oil, etc.

  • Easy meals ready within seconds
  • Packed with Proteins, Vitamins, and Minerals (0,9gr sugar)
  • Perfect for your on-the-go lifestyle
  • Help assist with keeping the weight down
  • Ideal for a low-carb lifestyle
  • Great taste – craveable triple chocolate flavor

What is inside?

Fat  14,6g/100g

Carbohydrate  34g/100g

Protein  34,2g/100g

Salt 0,64g/100g

Dietary fibers 5,6g/100g


Vitamin C (20mg)

Zinc- (2,5mg)

Iron - (3,5mg)

Vitamin E - (3,0mg)

Vitamin B3 - (4,0mg)

Manganese - (0,5mg)

Iodine - (37,5μg)

Copper - (0,25mg)

Vitamin B5 - (1,5mg)

Selenium - (13,75μg)

Vitamin D3 - (2,5μg)

Vitamin B6 - (0,35mg)

Vitamin B2 - (0,35mg)

Thiamin - (0,275mg)

Vitamin A- (200 μg)

Vitamin B9 - (50μg)

Chromium- (10uμg)

Biotin - (12,5 μg)

Vitamin B12 - (0,625 μg)


Oat, natural whey concentrate, raw milk concentrate, natural egg, natural rice, coconut oil, flaxseed oil, sunflower oil, fat-reduced cocoa powder.


Shake: Mix one serving (1 scoop - 60g) of iFood with 450-600ml of water or low fat milk or milk alternatives to prepare your delicious fast food meal shake well 20 seconds.

Blend: Add one serving (1 scoop - 60g) of iFood + 450-600ml of water or low fat milk or milk alternatives + low glycemic frozen fruits to a blender and mix.

NOTE; We would not advise you to use them more than 1-2 times a day (1 scoop-450ml of water). Although our meal replacement does not have a harmful effect and has an excellent composition, a healthy diet is the basis of health and vitality.

Tastes like a drink, but it feels like mum's homemade.


“You live your life a quarter-mile at a time. Nothing else matters; not the mortgage, not the store, not your friends and their bs, not even food!

For those 10 seconds or less, you're free."


And you can remain free, especially if you sometimes live your life like the Fast & Furious crew.

Genius Nutrition® has developed an easy meal replacement shake that contains all recommended essential nutrients (NRV) required by the human body.

We use no chemical replacements, only high-quality food.

You don't need more than 10 sec to set it up, and then you're free.



According to the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA), a balanced diet provides health and wellbeing through a needs-based intake of different value nutrients. 

We have developed a drinkable meal whose composition of ingredients is based on these reference values.

iFood meal replacement will provide you with the vitamins, minerals and proteins. You can prepare it quickly and easily, and it will remain the friend of your waistline.

As you are already used to, our version is just right for you. We give your body over 34gr of protein on every 100gr, which all come from high-quality and easily absorbable sources. 

Natural whey's concentrate (cow's milk), oats, eggs, and rice are available here for your protein supply.

If you've been eating terrible your whole life and you have very little hope that you will enjoy replacing your beloved food with an iFood, think again.

iFood meal replacement will keep you full for longer thanks to healthy fat, which will slow down the absorption.

Full of flavor and protein, iFood meal replacement® protein shake is the perfect way to ingest protein without unwanted calories. The low sugar and carbohydrates level makes it an ideal choice for people who are on a diet or simply want a healthier snack.

This real food meal replacement shake will keep the hunger at bay for several hours, but it will make you thirsty, so don't forget to drink water.

The taste? 

A triple chocolate flavor so that you can enjoy yourself during physically challenging activities. Whether you're hiking, biking, hanging from a rock face, or lifting weights, iFood is at the reach of your hand.

By having only 0,9 grams of sugar, you would think that delicious sweet flavor would be having more grams of sugar?! But nope, 0,9 gram, and it's so delicious.

You can even put iFood into a blender and mix it with a handful of ice. You will start to adore your blender because it will make you a power chocolate iced drink.

If you don't absolutely love the smell, taste, and texture of our replacement meal shake along with the fact that it has low glycemic carbohydrates and tons of nutrients, then perhaps you are bitter over your diet and not this shake?!

But know this also. 

With vitamin C, Zinc, Iron, Compex B, to name a few, you should experience a high level in your energy too. 

This is exclusively for couples who don't want to leave the room but still need more energy.  

Or it could be an excellent 'night kit' if you are an overnight worker.

In addition to meal replacements, you can use other supplements too - most often fat burners and products for better recovery - amino acids, vitamins, minerals, and healthy fats such as omega-3 fish oil, etc.

  • Easy meals ready within seconds
  • Packed with Proteins, Vitamins, and Minerals (0,9gr sugar)
  • Perfect for your on-the-go lifestyle
  • Help assist with keeping the weight down
  • Ideal for a low-carb lifestyle
  • Great taste – craveable triple chocolate flavor

What is inside?

Fat  14,6g/100g

Carbohydrate  34g/100g

Protein  34,2g/100g

Salt 0,64g/100g

Dietary fibers 5,6g/100g


Vitamin C (20mg)

Zinc- (2,5mg)

Iron - (3,5mg)

Vitamin E - (3,0mg)

Vitamin B3 - (4,0mg)

Manganese - (0,5mg)

Iodine - (37,5μg)

Copper - (0,25mg)

Vitamin B5 - (1,5mg)

Selenium - (13,75μg)

Vitamin D3 - (2,5μg)

Vitamin B6 - (0,35mg)

Vitamin B2 - (0,35mg)

Thiamin - (0,275mg)

Vitamin A- (200 μg)

Vitamin B9 - (50μg)

Chromium- (10uμg)

Biotin - (12,5 μg)

Vitamin B12 - (0,625 μg)


Oat, natural whey concentrate, raw milk concentrate, natural egg, natural rice, coconut oil, flaxseed oil, sunflower oil, fat-reduced cocoa powder.


Shake: Mix one serving (1 scoop - 60g) of iFood with 450-600ml of water or low fat milk or milk alternatives to prepare your delicious fast food meal shake well 20 seconds.

Blend: Add one serving (1 scoop - 60g) of iFood + 450-600ml of water or low fat milk or milk alternatives + low glycemic frozen fruits to a blender and mix.

NOTE; We would not advise you to use them more than 1-2 times a day (1 scoop-450ml of water). Although our meal replacement does not have a harmful effect and has an excellent composition, a healthy diet is the basis of health and vitality.

Όλα τα προϊόντα αποστέλλονται από την Κύπρο στην Κύπρο και στον υπόλοιπο κόσμο με γρήγορη παράδοση Courier.

Δείτε παρακάτω λεπτομέρειες αποστολής και παράδοσης:

Για την Κύπρο:

Δωρεάν παράδοση μέχρι την πόρτα άνω των 50

Για παραγγελίες κάτω των 50 μέχρι την πόρτα παράδοση 2,50 επιπλέον δωρεάν στην ACS

Για παραγγελίες κάτω των 20 μέχρι την πόρτα παράδοση 2,50 και 1,50 € στην ACS

Χρόνος παράδοσης για Κύπρο 1-2 Εργάσιμες Ημέρες

Για Παράδοση στην ΕΕ 19,90 5-7 Εργάσιμες Ημέρες

Για τον υπόλοιπο κόσμο 29,90 10-12 εργάσιμες ημέρες

Σημαντική σημείωση: Ο χρόνος παράδοσης μπορεί να διαρκέσει περισσότερο κατά τη διάρκεια των διακοπών.

Πληροφορίες για τα τελωνεία:

Οι Ευρωπαίοι πολίτες δεν χρειάζεται να πληρώσουν τελωνείο αφού όλα τα προϊόντα μας αποστέλλονται από την Κύπρο που είναι μέλος της Ευρωπαϊκής Ένωσης.

Οι τελωνειακοί δασμοί χρεώνονται σε χώρες εκτός ΕΕ όταν το δέμα φτάσει στη χώρα προορισμού. Εάν το δέμα σας παραδοθεί σε χώρα εκτός ΕΕ, θα σας ζητηθεί να πληρώσετε τέλη τελωνείου ή/και δασμών για να παραλάβετε το δέμα σας.

Λάβετε υπόψη ότι οι προσαρμοσμένες πολιτικές και οι εισαγωγικοί δασμοί είναι διαφορετικοί για κάθε χώρα. Συνιστάται να επικοινωνήσετε με το τελωνείο της χώρας σας πριν προχωρήσετε σε αγορές από το κατάστημά μας, προκειμένου να ενημερωθείτε για όλα τα ποσά που χρεώνονται για την αγορά του είδους της επιλογής σας.

Όλα τα προϊόντα αποστέλλονται από την Κύπρο στην Κύπρο και στον υπόλοιπο κόσμο με γρήγορη παράδοση Courier.

Δείτε παρακάτω λεπτομέρειες αποστολής και παράδοσης:

Για την Κύπρο:

Δωρεάν παράδοση μέχρι την πόρτα άνω των 50

Για παραγγελίες κάτω των 50 μέχρι την πόρτα παράδοση 2,50 επιπλέον δωρεάν στην ACS

Για παραγγελίες κάτω των 20 μέχρι την πόρτα παράδοση 2,50 και 1,50 € στην ACS

Χρόνος παράδοσης για Κύπρο 1-2 Εργάσιμες Ημέρες

Για Παράδοση στην ΕΕ 19,90 5-7 Εργάσιμες Ημέρες

Για τον υπόλοιπο κόσμο 29,90 10-12 εργάσιμες ημέρες

Σημαντική σημείωση: Ο χρόνος παράδοσης μπορεί να διαρκέσει περισσότερο κατά τη διάρκεια των διακοπών.

Πληροφορίες για τα τελωνεία:

Οι Ευρωπαίοι πολίτες δεν χρειάζεται να πληρώσουν τελωνείο αφού όλα τα προϊόντα μας αποστέλλονται από την Κύπρο που είναι μέλος της Ευρωπαϊκής Ένωσης.

Οι τελωνειακοί δασμοί χρεώνονται σε χώρες εκτός ΕΕ όταν το δέμα φτάσει στη χώρα προορισμού. Εάν το δέμα σας παραδοθεί σε χώρα εκτός ΕΕ, θα σας ζητηθεί να πληρώσετε τέλη τελωνείου ή/και δασμών για να παραλάβετε το δέμα σας.

Λάβετε υπόψη ότι οι προσαρμοσμένες πολιτικές και οι εισαγωγικοί δασμοί είναι διαφορετικοί για κάθε χώρα. Συνιστάται να επικοινωνήσετε με το τελωνείο της χώρας σας πριν προχωρήσετε σε αγορές από το κατάστημά μας, προκειμένου να ενημερωθείτε για όλα τα ποσά που χρεώνονται για την αγορά του είδους της επιλογής σας.
Ενώ η Green Life προσπαθεί να διασφαλίσει την ακρίβεια των εικόνων και των πληροφοριών των προϊόντων της, ορισμένες αλλαγές κατασκευής στη συσκευασία ή/και στα συστατικά ενδέχεται να εκκρεμούν ενημέρωση στον ιστότοπό μας. Σας συνιστούμε να διαβάζετε τις ετικέτες, τις προειδοποιήσεις και τις οδηγίες όλων των προϊόντων πριν από τη χρήση και να μην βασίζεστε αποκλειστικά στις πληροφορίες που παρέχονται από την Green Life.
Ενώ η Green Life προσπαθεί να διασφαλίσει την ακρίβεια των εικόνων και των πληροφοριών των προϊόντων της, ορισμένες αλλαγές κατασκευής στη συσκευασία ή/και στα συστατικά ενδέχεται να εκκρεμούν ενημέρωση στον ιστότοπό μας. Σας συνιστούμε να διαβάζετε τις ετικέτες, τις προειδοποιήσεις και τις οδηγίες όλων των προϊόντων πριν από τη χρήση και να μην βασίζεστε αποκλειστικά στις πληροφορίες που παρέχονται από την Green Life.
Μόλις προστέθηκε στη λίστα επιθυμιών σας:
Η λίστα επιθυμιών μου
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